Clarification western powers are countries in
league with USA, UK and Switzerland.
Confused? think prostitution. Prostitutes exist
because there is a market for their service. Prostitution is illegal in most
countries so is patronizing prostitutes. Prostitutes and their patrons when
caught are punished. Patrons are most often times blamed in western nations for
the existence of prostitution
Governments of third world countries such as the
one we live in are corrupt. They steal money meant for third world and dump
into the open arms of the first world. Confused again? Western world powers
belong to this first world. The governments of third worlds are forever getting
caught and punished but no one is punishing the first world systematically
aiding their corruption.
This feels like punishing a bribe giver leaving out
the taker. As long as first world have a thriving market for stolen money;
third world would continue being corrupt. Ironically first world pretends to
care about third world; giving out 0.001% from third world stolen goodies in
their possession.
Bribe giving and bribe taking are both discouraged.
Prostituting and patronizing prostitute correlates to a large extent. Dealing
drugs and taking drugs are both grave offences. When a third world government embezzles
fund, it is termed corruption. What about the receivers of the loot; they are
the market for the loot. Why is first world pretending they are not part of the
Playing pretend ignorance and receiving third world
loots in form of real estate, educational fees, health treatment, investments
and vacation ought to be a criminal offence. These receivers are as guilty as
the looters. Our wealth will continue to wrongfully be exported to first world countries
if the receivers within them are protected and left unpunished.
First world make the western power. They deserve as
much blame as our third world looters. Perhaps only when their loot receiving markets
are closed, will corruption decrease here.
Maybe I am wrong.
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